Comprehensive Package: 4-week Plan (up to 16 hours of customized service)
Sample Breakdown of Comprehensive Package Coaching Services:
1st Week: Initial 60 – 90 minutes phone or face-to-face consultation interview. We will go over your background, skills, desires, goals and discuss your current resume and how to develop a personal brand. We begin an interactive process of collaborative design of your resume based on personal branding exercises, discussion and incorporating background and career goals. This is more than just resume writing; this is in depth “career therapy” to ensure a strong foundation is laid as a springboard to moving forward on the right career path. "Homework" given based on discussion and goals.
2nd Week: Draft power resume is completed. We will discuss and assess needed revisions and ways to adapt it for different roles, if needed. Key to finalizing the resume is setting it apart from the crowd in its use of accomplishment statements, not just a list of responsibilities. Begin creation and revisions of your LinkedIn profile and offer training for best practices to use it for networking and job search. "Homework" given.
3rd Week: Confirm personal brand and finalize LinkedIn profile and add full optimization. Discuss personalized networking strategy. Collaborate on creation of a personal marketing plan and communication strategies for key statements such as “the elevator pitch,” branding narrative, timing gaps and exit explanations (why you left previous jobs). "Homework" given.
4th Week: Go over networking strategies and target company lists and make custom action plan. Prepare for interviews and salary negotiations. Provide responsive career advising and assist with templates and edits for initial cover letter. Provide ongoing Q and A until job is landed, or goal is met.
Please email Camille for questions and a price list by using the contact button on the website. The content of these four weeks can be modified according to your specific needs.